
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Cycle of Organization-Republican's now

I once listened to an old time preacher named B. R. Lakin who told a story about the cycle of Churches.  His statement rang true just by my own observations .  His statement was "Churches tend to start out as conservative in their mission and over time evolve to liberalism due to human nature".  He then pointed to several church organizations to prove his point.  I will not mention those organizations because I am sure they do not think they have changed their mission at all and perhaps they did not, really it is not for me to judge.

I brought this statement up to really challenge The Republican establishment over where they were and where they are today.   I am by no means an expert on Republicans.  I can only speak to what I see.  It seems to me that we have moved the ball in the political game.  We are no longer the party of Lincoln, Reagan or for that matter Eisenhower.  Some would consider this a good thing and if they do, so be it.  It seems to me people, in general, are moving to a more Liberal mind set.  From homosexuality is wrong to well it is OK.  Do not raise my taxes to don't touch my entitlements.  We seem to evolve to what we want rather than what  is good for everyone.

I am not saying at this time I know were it will end.  I am saying that people are evolving.  I am convinced it is a runaway train.  The end will probably be the destruction of the  Republican party as it stands.  This will lead to a vacuum or void that will need to be filled for conservative americans.

What will fill the void?  Libertarians?  The Conservative Party?  Who knows?  At first blush it would seem that whatever arises out of the ashes will be different perhaps "The New Republican Party".

The big question will be, can it stop a hedonistic society bent on Socialism?  I am not sure anymore.  Perhaps this is the beginning of the end.  The second coming of Christ or the fall of America like the fall of the Roman Empire.

Well those are my thoughts for today.  In a nut shell change is coming.  I WANT CHANGE, not for me though just for you.......;o)

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