
Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Twenty-Ten

I thought I should at least do a post for the New Year so here we go! I am excited about the prospect of the new year. In the last year I have made several changes in my life that will impact my future. This was in no small part due to the help, encouragement and dedication of my friend and trainer Marcin. Now I know I did the work and that is true. The truth is it is not easy to make the life changes needed to have a healthy life style. People do not understand what it may take to loose 100+ lbs over a years time and then keep it off. That is were a trainer comes in for me.

I know that these things can be accomplished without help! but If I were to write down all the times that I have tried and failed to keep the weight off over the years it would be a very long blog! suffice it to say that commitment is hard. I will go out on a limb here and say that most people cannot make and keep those types of commitments. That is were a good Trainer can help motivate you to excel in this endeavor.

It is not just the 2-3 hours a week you work with your trainer. It is the whole picture of life change in eating habits, self control and dedication to the exercise regime that he/her designs for you. Not to mention the daily reinforcement that they provide with, text messages and phone calls as well as review and suggestions for your eating habits they see from your food logs. They spend allot of time on your behalf helping you make good well thought out changes for your life.

The main reason most people avoid trainers is the cost. I understand, but really can you put a price on health? In my case I have offset much of my cost with the doctor directed reduction in prescriptions that are no longer needed such as cholesterol, blood pressure, stomach medication to name a few, not to mention the future cost of Insulin for diabetes, which was a family issue due to weight problems. Cost avoidance so to speak.

So my trainer became a friend, confidant and motivator. I know that the future will require me to do this on my own and I will, but for now I will work with him to create habits that will be difficult to give up as they are ingrained into my daily routine.

I want to look back on these years when I am in my 90's (My family has some longevity in there jeans) and smile at my great grand kids and say thanks to my friend for helping me make the commitments needed to get here. I am 57 now and so that will mean another 30+ years of life (God willing) that will allow me to be apart of others lives and serve my creator in whatever he will have me do.

Join me!

1 comment:

GESwho said...

John - you are certainly to be commended for your dedication and diligence to this. It was great talking with you and catching up with you a few days ago too. There is so much more to catch up on. Your kids. My kids. Life in general! Keep up the good work!

Gary S