
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bailouts/spending package

Well here we go again. A bailout! What is the problem with the servants of the masses? They cannot seem to come to a conclusion as to what is best for the nation. Why do we need to put so many spending agendas in this rescue plan? It would seem to me (really uneducated as I am on the subject) that we would be better off with not giving money to sex education, condoms, water slides, veteran Filipino of WWII, and focus on supporting the banking industry, to get us to freeing up the cash flow issue.

This should not be an opportunity to stack the bill with pork items to make senators and representatives popular in their regions. Nor should it be used to forward your agenda for a “New America”. Let the vetting process set up in the legislative branch work its magic for large scale change. Don't try to subrogation the system under the false idea that your saving the economy of the USA.

By the way this idea that the USA gave the new government the right to whole sale change the American way just is not so. 49% of the us disagree with the liberal agenda. That is significant! Believe me if they do not get it right the next election could turn them out in the street. It is at best a fragile majority. Many were willing to vote for change, but not to spend our money indiscriminately to further a total liberal agenda. We are still a moderate nation. From New York to California, the middle of the nation still believes that we are better at spending our hard earned money than the government is.
Quit blaming President Bush (43) for governing during one of the most difficult times our nation has faced. 911 changed the face of his presidency. He made some mistakes for sure but we also faced some horrific situations that clouded the path for the future of America. Remember that many believed that their were weapons of mass destruction including many Democratic politicians and the united nations.

Lets pull together and make sound well thought out decisions not knee jerk decisions based on an agenda that does not work for all American's.

Well that is my 2 cents worth. For what its worth!

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